
had such a productive day

Today, i woke up at 9 and ate breakfast.
after that i did a makeup, got dressed.
i went to a hair salon at 11 which i have been commuting since i was a high school student.
an hour and a half later, i ccame back home and then, i drove mother's car to the supermarket near my house.
i retruned home and ate lunch.
after doing my assignments for a while, i went to my part-time job.
i got back home around 22.
1 had a so fulfilling day today.:-)

1 件のコメント:

  1. Hi Chihiro... In this blog, write about your part-time job in detail.

    Please write MUCH MORE every week! If you do, your English writing will improve!

    Sincerely, Joe Lauer
